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I. Local
- BASF (Builders Assoc. of South Florida)
- City of Coral Gables | Miami | Miami Beach | Miami-Dade
- Construction Assoc. of South Florida
- EngineeRunner, Corp - Yellow Pages listing | LinkedIn
- FBPE (Florida Board of Professional Engineers)
- FL Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) | CILB (Construction Industry Licensing Board) | FL Building Code Online
- FL Green BLDG Coalition - dedicated to improve built environment + provide a statewide Green BLDG program w/ env + eco benefits.
- Ft. Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
- Miami-Dade Construction Trades Qualifying Board
II. Architecture
- AIA (American Institute of Architects)
- Architecture Mag
- Royal Australian Institute of Architects
III. Construction / Building Related Trade - Organizations
- Alliance of Construction Trades
- AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) - leader in structural steel related tech + market bldg activities, including: spec + code development, research, edu, tech assistance, quality certification, standardization + market development.
- American Underground Construction Association
- Associated Building Contractors
- Associated General Contractors of America
- Building & Construction Trades Dept.
- Building Trades Assoc./ Contractors Trade Assoc.
- Commercial Building Products Magazine
- Construction Estimating Institute
- Construction Financial Management Assoc.
- Construction Industry CPAs/Consultants Assoc.
- Construction Industry Round Table
- Construction Innovation Forum
- Construction Institute
- Construction Owners Assoc. of America
- Construction Safety Council
- Construction Specifications Institute
- Construction Trade Fair
- Construction Writers Assoc.
- Council on Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat
- Green Building Alliance
- Industries at a Glance - Construction: NAICS 23
- International Living Building Institute
- Modular Building Institute
- Moles Organization - Assoc. of Individuals in Heavy Construction
- National Assoc. of Home Builders
- NCCER - National Center for Construction Education + Research
- Nat'l Assoc. of Women in Construction (NAWIC)
- PCA (Portland Cement Assoc.)
- Professional Women in Construction (PWC)
- US Census Bureau - Construction Spending | Guide to Data Sources for Construction
IV. Engineering Related Trade - Organizations
- ACI (American Concrete Institute)
- ASTM (American Society for Testing + Materials)
- ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) - Technical Council of Forensic Engineers
- Architectural Engineering Institute
- Building Safety Journal
- Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
- iCivilEngineer
- Internat'l Board of Forensic Engineering Sciences
- Internat'l Journal of Forensic Engineering
- Investigative Engineers Assoc.
- National Academy of Forensic Engineers
- NSPE (National Society of Professional Engineers)
- Society of Forensic Engineers + Scientists
- SEI (Structural Engineering Institute)
- Ultimate CE Directory
V. Green Design
- 4specs - fast + comprehensive way to access "specified" product info. Access to sites for construction product specs, CAD details + CSI-formatted specs.
- ATHENA Sustainable Mat'ls Institute - research alliance involving org's + ppl w/ knowledge about production processes for different products, use of those products in bldg + construction + broader env issues associated w/ resource extraction + bldg demolition + disposal.
- Audubon - Nat'l Audubon Society - conserve + restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds + other wildlife for benefit of humanity + earth's biological diversity.
- Auroville: Regina's Modern Mud House - wattle + daub techniques, adobe + cob
- BRE - Research Proj's - tool allowing owners, users + designers of bldg's to review + improve env performance thru-out bldg life; widely accepted + respected scheme setting a benchmark for env performance.
- Building Green ENV BLDG News - Concrete, Flyash + Environment - Proceedings
- Buy Green
- Canadian Sustainable Forestry Certification Coalition - promote use of internat'lly recognized sustainable forest management certification standards in Canada in order for producers to continually move towards sustainable forest management, secure a sustainable supply of raw mat'l + ensure marketplace acceptance of forest products.
- Canadian Wood Council - nat'l assoc representing Canadian manufacturers of wood products. Council ensures market access for wood products by working in codes + standards, producing + communicating tech info, providing edu prog's for students/construction professionals/coordinating special prog's
- EcoIQ - internet publications, professional development resources + consulting + client services designed to help communities + their local gov'ts become more environmentally, ecomomically + socially sustainable. EcoIQ focuses on helping prog's + professionals in resource management, env management + land use + transportation planning become more effective.
- EcoTrust - org supporting emergence of a conservation economy along N America's rain forest coast, region from San Fran to Anchorage. Work in urban + rural areas to support entrepreneurs whose work improves env, eco + social conditions.
- Energy Guy
- Forest Products Assoc of Canada - represents forest products companies across Canada.
- Forest Stewardship Council of Canada - internat'l org founded 1993 to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial + economically viable management of world's forests; supports development of nat'l + regional standards to be used to evaluate whether a forest is being well managed.
- Forintek: Wood Products Research Institute - Canada's nat'l wood products research institute; supporting forest products industry in meeting customer's expectations of performance, durability + affordability. Delivers tech solutions in such areas as lumber, panels + other value-added wood products manufacturing processes or attributes, wood drying + protection, bldg systems, etc. Conducts market + economic studies + plays a role in development of bldg codes + standards, both nationally + internationally.
- Funding Green BLDG Directory - guide to grants, loan financing, tech assistance, creative financing + private-public partnerships for commercial green bldg's.
- Green BLDG Concepts - reports + guides to help build an energy + resource efficient home + know why sustainable bldg or green architecture is important to ameliorate greenhouse gas emissions.
- Green Building Products by McGraw-Hill Sweets
- Green BLDG Resource Guide - product listings includes brief product description, icons representing categories of env benefit, contact info for manufacturer + cost comparison w/ its most likely conventional alternative.
- Heartland Green Sheets - professional education about recycled content building products in the American Heartland.
- IISBE - International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
- ISO - standards are documented agreements containing tech spec's or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or definitions of characteristics, to ensure mat'ls, products, processes + services are fit for their purpose. ISO is non-gov't org established 1947 to promote development of standardization + related activities in world w/ a view to facilitating internat'l exchange of goods + services + to
developing cooperation in spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological + economic activity.
- Nat'l Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) - Center for Resourceful BLDG Tech | Smart Communities
- NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences) - Sustainable BLDG Industries Council | Whole BLDG Design Guide
- Resource Conservation Alliance - protect natural forests + other ecological systems thru market- + commodity-based conservation strategies. These strategies include reduced consumption + increased recycling, redesign + resource diversification. Encourages consumers to conserve forests by reducing their consumption of paper + bldg products overall + by replacing virgin wood products w/ products made from recycled fibers, straw, kenaf, hemp, etc.
- Rocky Mountain Institute - entrepreneurial org fostering efficient + restorative use of resources to create more secure, prosperous + life-sustaining world.
- Oikos International - student organization for sustainable economics and management, and a leading reference point for the promotion of sustainability change agents.
- Peaks to Prairies: Residential Construction - Green Products - in cooperation w/ EPA Region 8 states encouraging adoption of pollution prevention practices by citizens, small businesses + local gov'ts. Center networks w/ state + local pollution prevention assistance providers by offering access to current info + contacts, encouraging collaboration + leveraging of resources + facilitating communication about activities + proj's.
- Sustainability - specialize in business strategy + sustainable development.
- Sustainable Sources - References + sources for resource efficient, low env impact homes.
- US Green BLDG Council (USGBC) LEED - voluntary consensus-based, market-driven bldg rating sys based on existing proven technology. Evaluates env performance from a whole bldg perspective over a bldg's life cycle.
- Weald + Downland Open Air Museum GridShell
- World Green Building Council
V.b. Green Design - Gov't
- DOE Energy Efficiency + Renewable Energy | Federal Energy Management Program | Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) & Center for Renewable Energy + Sustainable Tech (CREST)
- Energy Star - offers businesses + consumers energy efficient solutions to save money while protecting environment.
- EPA Green Engineering
- Gov't Purchasing Proj
- Internat'l Council for Local ENV Initiatives - internat'l env agency to build + serve a movement of local gov'ts to achieve improvements in global env + sustainable development conditions thru cumulative local actions.
- National Park Service (NPS) - Denver Service Center - Design + Construction
- Natural Resources Canada - fed gov't dept specializing in sustainable development + use of natural resources, energy, minerals/metals, forests + earth sciences.
- Naval Facilities Engineering Command - manages planning, design + construction of shore facilities for US Navy activities.
- Nat'l Institute of Standards + Technology
- Office of Federal ENV Executive - advocate, coordinate + assist env efforts of fed community in waste prevention, recycling, affirmative procurement of guideline items + acquisition of recycled + environmentally preferable products + services.
- Public Works + Government Services Canada - Construction + Renovations HandBook
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US General Service Admin - help fed agencies better serve public by offering workplaces, expert solutions, acquisition services + management policies.
V.c. Green Design - Education
- Berkeley Consortium on Green Design + Manufacturing - interdisciplinary research initiative + industry/gov't/univ partnership developing links betw/ manufacturing, design, their env effects + to integrate engineering info, management practices + gov't policy-making.
- Carnegie Mellon Univ. Green Design Initiative - promotes environmentally conscious engineering, product + process design, manufacturing + architecture; forming partnerships w/ industrial corp's, foundations + gov't agencies to develop joint research + edu prog's to improve env quality while encouraging sustainable economic development.
- MIT Sustainable Urban Housing in China
- Sonoma State Univ. ENSP (Environmental Studies + Planning)
VI. Non-Business Related
- Blade Runner Dialogue Transcription | 1980 or 1981 ScreenPlay (Compressed)
- Coral Castle Museum
- NASA (Nat'l Aeronautics + Space Administration): Astronomy Pic of the Day
- Venetian Pool - Coral Gables, FL
- University of Miami - Alumni | Civil, Architectural, & Environmental Engineering
- Valiant Comics Revisited
- Wikipedia